Road Signaling Devices: Safety Tips and Advice

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By DerrickCalvert

You were stuck in the rain at night and it was one of the worst things that could happen to a car. The operator told you it would take at least 45 minutes for the truck to arrive after you called for help. Although you knew you needed to notify other drivers about your disabled vehicle, you couldn’t find any in your trunk. A car suddenly sped past you, barely missing your vehicle. This is when you realized how troubled you were.

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Road flares are the simplest and most widely used road-signaling device. Road flares alert drivers to potential dangers on the roads and prevent thousands of accidents each year. It is simple to use and you can strike it with a match at the cap’s end.

  • Road flares have one drawback: they can set off fires if not properly placed.
  • Road flares in daylight are also not very effective.
  • A word of caution: Never leave road flares burning. Always spray them with water to put them out.
  • Strobes with electric motors

Another option is electric strobes. These simple, battery-powered devices flash bright LED lights to alert oncoming traffic about an approaching hazard. Although they are very visible, electric strobes have some drawbacks. They are battery-operated so they can be “dead” at any time you need them. They are also expensive to replace if they are left behind, hit by a car or are damaged.

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Reflective triangles

Reflective triangles and cones are often bright orange and easily visible in daylight and night. Cones are the standard for road crews so other drivers will be able to avoid them. They are heavy and cumbersome, making them difficult to store and transport. You will find that reflective triangles fit better in your trunk. No matter which option you choose to take, ensure you have enough cash in case of an emergency.

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How to build a road safety kit

What else should a driver have in their car after road-signaling requirements are met? These are the essentials every driver must have.

You may be the first person to arrive at the scene of an accident in remote areas. You can treat minor injuries and prevent more serious injuries from getting worse with a good first aid kit.

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Another useful item is a blanket or tarp. A blanket can provide shelter from the elements and keep you warm in winter. Mylar space blankets are lightweight and inexpensive. They can also fold up into small pouches.

A flashlight is an essential necessity. It can be used as both a light source and as a signaling device. There are many inexpensive LED flashlights that can be purchased at your local hardware store.